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The Evolution of Indoor Golf

Indoor Golf Simulators Are Changing the Way You Play Golf Many avid golfers live in areas where bad weather can prevent them from getting out on the course. For years, this was accepted as part of the game of golf. When it's too cold, rainy, snowy, you simply can't play golf. However, a new age of indoor golf with a golf simulator has changed all that. Read More >>

Top 5 Most Challenging Courses for Indoor Golf

Golf, itself, is one of the most challenging sports throughout the world. At times, adverse conditions can make it difficult, if not impossible, to play a full round of golf. Indoor golfing offers the perfect solution to any golfer who wants to practice a challenging course in any condition, including weather, lies, surfaces, and courses. Read More >>

What Can You Learn from an Indoor Golf Swing Analysis?

“The golf swing is like a suitcase into which we are trying to pack one too many things.” - John Updike
Whether you’re an amateur golfer or a pro, there’s nothing quite like the experience of an indoor golf facility that offers a golf swing analysis. Over the past few years, indoor golfing has become an increasingly appealing alternative to the outdoor driving range with its inconsistent climate, lack of privacy, and shortage of analytic equipment. Read More >>

The Best Indoor Golf Practice Drills

"A golfer has to train his swing on the practice tee, then trust it on the course" Dr. Bob Rotella
No matter where you live, climate conditions are not always conducive to allowing us to practice golf outdoors as often as we’d like. If you find that you don’t have the time to play a complete round of golf, there are a few simple indoor golf practice drills that will greatly improve your skills and impact your score. Additionally, practicing golf drills indoors can help you focus on certain components of the drill. Read More >>

How Does Practicing with a Golf Simulator Improve Your Game?

As the popular saying goes…”practice makes perfect”, but what should you practice in order to improve your golf game? When it comes to a golf swing, there is a lot to remember. A golf simulator can help you find your groove and perfect your game. Read More >>