(346) 808-7959

Host an Event


From private events to corporate parties, we can take your event to the next level at Swing Zone Golf. We offer a unique event experience with our interactive golf simulators that are fun for all skill levels and ages. With a full bar, delicious food and catered buffet, you and your guests can just relax and have fun.

We are open year-round, seven days-a-week and best of all…we offer CLIMATE CONTROLLED comfort. Book your next event with us and get ready to PAR-TEE!

Let's Get This PAR-TEE Started!

For pricing and more information,
contact us at info@swingzonegolf.com or call us at 346-808-7959.


Partial or full venue rental options
Catering available
Full service bar with premium liquors and specialty drinks
Complimentary loaner clubs
HD TVs and full surround sound stereo system
Large screen projector screens for videos or presentations
Complimentary Wi-Fi
Challenge games and competitions
Event coordinators to plan and assist with your event